I used to love the astral insights Mystic Mamma would put together and I wanted some insights for this powerful new moon. (Grab her 2021 calendar)
Sarah Varcas says:
This solar eclipse. . . delivers the harshest truths entwined with the most refined states of consciousness. Our challenge is to be open to both, not favouring one over the other.
At its best, Sagittarius seeks grand truths that weave disparate things into an integrated whole. It inspires us to be the best we can be with its eternal promise of hope and unbounded possibility. At its less than best Sagittarius fosters division through sheer fiery force of opinion which leaves no space for difference or debate. Ruled by Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, under its influence we can become overly confident in our perspective, assuming an innate superiority over those who hold a different view. We are all at risk of this self-deception right now. And everyone can discover something new at this eclipse.
These are not easy times to be alive and the tension continues to mount as we move towards the second big conjunction of this year: Saturn and Jupiter on 21st December. Many have arrived in this eclipse season feeling empty of resources for the road ahead. The intensity of 2020 has drained us and it’s been difficult to re-source ourselves amidst the unrelenting march of both tyranny and fear. We’ve lost a great deal this year.
the fuel we need for the next step: commitment. Not to a goal or outcome, but simply being here now, living in this moment as truthfully as we can. This type of living is the most profound spiritual practice: embodying our authentic self.”
Cathy Pagano says
“What is the universe trying to tell us? And what can we do to help?
The simple answer. . . is to stay centered and look at yourself and your life choices. Meditate, get in your body, stay grateful. . . choose to commit to a higher version of ourselves, a better use of our energies. then choosing to let go of the past to step into a new story for the future.
If we can raise our frequencies, we can be beacons of calm, of peace, of light in these dark times. We can radiate harmony into our neighborhoods and into the world. We can be the calm, grounded center – radiating frequencies of security for our neighbors. When we let go of fear and anxiety others can too.
In fact, if we spent these next weeks meditating and radiating, we might lock into Earth’s shaky electromagnetic field and co-create a new one.
We’re called to leave something behind so we can open to the new energies coming in. . . . The south node is where we’re stuck, where we’re too comfortable, where we make easy unconscious choices. [It] shows us the ideas and issues that no longer serve us. Luner nodes ask us to let go of old beliefs (Sagittarius) so new information and ideas (Gemini) can expand our consciousness.
The best we can do is stay grounded.
The south node in Sagittarius tells us that we’re stuck in old beliefs – about ourselves and our world and our spiritual beliefs. . . stuck in thinking we know ‘the truth’. [Like] Donald Trump. . . he always thinks he’s right, even when he’s wrong. So a humbling question for each of us might be: where is the Donald Trump in me? If we all heal that part of our Shadow, perhaps the collective shadow will lighten up.
This solar eclipse shows us the need to compost all the old beliefs that have shaped our world by force, not choice. Like. . Americans are the best and bravest, that our government is the model of democracy. . . because we no longer are. We are young and act like adolescents. . . We are also a country of orphans, with shallow roots here. . . We need to deepen those roots now. We need to grow up to our responsibility to be the stewards of the Earth.
Whatever force or God created us, it was for us to become more creative ourselves. To co-create our world. To make it hell or heaven. Once again, our choice.
It’s time to evolve!
Look at old beliefs about duality. About being chosen, if someone is chosen someone else is not. Such a masculine, left brain belief. It’s about power and domination. If we balance out that with our right-brain, feminine wisdom and imagination, we’ll see things differently. Nobody needs to be chosen if we’re all chosen. This is not about giving everyone a trophy, this is about knowing that we’re all in this together.”
Divine Harmony shares:
“A total solar eclipse symbolically can represent an eclipse of consciousness by the Sagittarius and shadows. [moon and sun will be dark] when it’s darkest you can see more stars. when things go dark our fears arise but we also have deeper access to the unconscious and we have the capacity for things we did not notice when we were blinded by the Light to come into focus.
all that is of the old paradigm keeps us stuck in the past.
take off the rose colored glasses and see through illusion, delusion, deception and denial. we need to see where we are escaping, checking out, turning to addictions to numb out. we also need to see where others. . . may be pulling the wool over our eyes.
Part of pulling back the veil is being willing to see our own unconscious motivations, unconscious bias and unconscious wounding that informs our beliefs and perspectives. Anyone who thinks they see and completely understand Ultimate Truth are full of BS. There are so many perspectives and viewpoints. There are so many shoes to walk in and until we have we cannot know where another person is coing from or why they believe what they believe. In self righteousness we dehumanize others-making them wrong and us right. . . we cannot assume to know where another is coming from particularly if they come from a very different viewpoint/background/religion/political perspective than us.
our growth and evolution comes through our willingness to be CURIOUS and OPEN.
What we need right now is MEDIATOR CONSIOUSNESS. Where we see both sides and find common ground. the gemini north node is trying to invite us into the questions and not get stuck on the answers. the gemini north node invites us into beginner’s mind-the place that. . is required for true enlightenment.
be discerning about what is running us from behind the scenes – a la the wizard of oz, we all have someone pulling the strings behind the curtains.
We start with ourselves because until we can see what is hidden within we will not be able to see what is hidden without OR we will twist it into our own projection of what we have disconnected from. So using the fire trine to bring light to the shadow and see what needs to be seen, say what needs to be said and take necessary action for TRUE freedom and liberation (not just more of the same but repackaged to look new) is key.
The eclipse incites a desire to heal the wound of the split between the masculine and feminine. The wounded masculine needs healing. The wounded feminine does too but we are coming at this healing from different perspectives. The feminine is awakening to her full power and place in the balance of life. Pushing through centuries and millennia of beliefs of women being bad, lesser than, inferior, called names like witch, bitch, hag and whore. The masculine on the other hand is needing to awaken to his abuse of power and understand why a culture that calls a powerful man a leader but calls a powerful woman
Whilst we may be tempted to space out at this solar eclipse, we must not go back to sleep. We cannot relinquish the wisdom of revelation.
for now commitment, faith and steadfastness in the midst of the mystery is a most powerful offering. One that signals we are indeed ready for the path ahead.”
Robert Wilkerson with the Aquarius Papers says
“This is “the end of the end before the beginning,” and any friction will lead to a “polishing our vehicle for happiness” with many gifts and blessings, both partial and full, personal and interactive.
As Sagittarius is a Mutable sign, this Eclipse begins a month (and 5 years!) of anticipation, freedom, vision, and new possibilities. When in doubt, throw out the old rules which only create blockages, get rid of attitudes which inhibit your happiness, and allow yourself to remember just how free you are.
Stay clear about your long term best interests, and allow what attracts you to transform your everyday life and relationships. Things are now favorably intense and moving in a productive way. Change your view, change your attitude, see the humor and blessings in things, and let go of baggage from the past.”