I recently completed my Quantum Shiatsu certification. Like acupuncture we use the meridians, or energy channels, based on Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shiatsu but rather than working one point with a needle we work the full channel with our hands and thumbs. Meridians are associated with seasons and right now in the Northern Hemisphere we are in Summer. The element associated with Summer is Fire and the organs are Heart and Small Intestines. If you are feeling out of balance this Summer TCM can give you some insights for feeling better.
Taking care of your heart and small intestines during this time is important. Be mindful of what you eat, I think most of us know what makes our heart happy food wise. Reduce sodium, fatty foods and sugar. So much is growing now and eating a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables during the summer is best. Drink a lot of water or herbal tea helps balance the fire. Exercise is so important to heart health and to help get digestion moving. Do something you enjoy but sweating it out helps mind, body and spirit.
Herbs can be used to strengthen your fire too. Cayenne pepper is a tonic and a stimulant. It’s high in vitamin C too! You can mix it in water or take capsules daily. Ginger root is also great for this time of year. Add 6-8 thin slices of ginger root to 2 cups of boiling water and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Red clover blossoms steamed as a tea is another good summertime herb. If you are too hot try some cooling herbs like mint, hibiscus and chamomile. Some herbs that are good for Small Intestines are comfrey root, licorice root and fennel seed. Hawthorn berries, ginseng root, borage, motherwort and peppermint are good for your Heart. Create a blend and make a sun tea to help you stay healthy and balanced through the rest of the summer!
Intuition is attributed to the Fire element in the Chinese system. Becoming “aware of your feelings (water) and a flash of light/insight (fire) will come into your awareness. This guidance from your heart can be helpful to guide you to good or protect you from danger. Our hearts know the truth. If we can learn how to listen to this information, we can answer question or solve problems. We now need to find this fine balance between the heart and the mind.” (Elson Haas) I often check in with my heart to notice how it feels when making decisions. I sit down and drop my awareness to my heart then I ask questions and notice how my heart feels. If you give yourself the time your notice the difference when something feels right.
If you’re in balance this summer you’ll be joyful and full of energy. When you’re out of balance you may feel sorrow, be too serious or over eat. Try a laughter meditation, wearing red or go sweat it out. Take care of yourself and happy summer!
“The body is a machine, you gotta keep it clean and oiled or ‘twill spoil.” ~B.B. ArgIlse